Simple CTF — WriteUp

Andreas Panagi
3 min readJan 12, 2021


Hello infosec people, this is a write up from the simple CTF room on

Starting, i did an nmap scan to see what i was dealing with. I used the nmap command below and it showed 3 ports.

nmap -T4 -A -v

Open Ports: 80 (Apache) , 2222 (OpenSSH), 21 (vsftp)

Okay, that's interesting. the machine has open port for SSH so at some point we would have to connect to SSH i guess. What i did first was to check out the website to see if it has anything interesting.

1st & 2nd question: 2 ports / SSH

I used dirb to locate all the directories to see if there is anything interesting in there.

dirb /usr/share/dirb/wordlists/common.txt

Dirb Results

There was a directory named “simple”. i checked it out, and found out it's some kind of CMS.

Mistake i made here: I saw from the dirb results that, there is /admin/login.php directory in the /simple directory. I went in that directory and i tried to use hydra to find any password and username. As you may have guessed, it was not the right way to continue, hydra gave me a lot of passwords for the username “admin” so i knew that there has to be another way.

Anyway, moving on, i searched for an exploit using searchsploit

searchsploit cms made simple

There were a lot of exploits, but i used the SQL Injection one.

cp /usr/share/exploitdb/exploits/php/webapps/ /root/Desktop

i visited the website of that exploit in and found the CVE of the vulnerability

3rd & 4th question: CVE-2019–9053 / SQLi

I run the python exploit

python3 /root/Desktop/ -u -c -w /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt

Using this exploit, i’ve run into a lot of errors relating to python and i could only find the username and half email. I searched everywhere to fix it and tried running it with different version of python and it didn't work again,i installed the libraries needed and still didn't work. So i found the password from a friend who had already completed the room. I know it’s not the best solution and i am a bad person from finding the password like that :(

Using the credentials i used SSH to login into the system

ssh username@

It didn't work. Then, looking through my notes i saw that SSH was on port 2222 so i used this command instead

ssh username@ -p 2222

It worked! i am in. So with a simple ls i saw a file “user.txt” and it was the user’s flag.

I moved to the /home directory to see find any other users and i saw the user2’s folder. Now to access that folder i had to escalate privileges.

sudo -l is used to check the permissions of the current user.

Well it can run vim. So i used this command to gain root privileges

9th question: vim

sudo vim -c ‘!sh’

And just like that i was root, i used whoami to make sure and i move on finding the root’s flag

I checked the /root directory and i found the root.txt and inside was the flag.

Thank you, for reading this article!



Andreas Panagi
Andreas Panagi

Written by Andreas Panagi

Cybersecurity / Computer Security student. Writing is the best way to learn. Forever No0B

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